
More than 300, 000 children used to get whooping cough every year. Now, there are 2 different vaccinations that are given to give patients protection against whooping cough, among other diseases.

Initial immunization is recommended between six and eight weeks of age, with four doses to be given in the first two years of life. The first vaccination called Dtap, was first made availiable in 1906 and it is given to children. This vaccination provides protection against 3 different diseases:

Pertussis #2

The next thing given to patients over the age of 12 is the Tdap. The Tdap is called a booster because it helps your body keep up its immunity that may have worn down over the years. This booster helps keep up your immunity for the same diseases as the Dtap. Protection from pertussis decreases over time, so additional doses of vaccines are often recommended for older children and adults.

More precautions that people can take to protect themselves against whooping cough include:



Those treated with antibiotics are no longer infectious after five days.